4. Contact Validation: Address Typeahead (Simple)

4.1. Introduction

The address auto-complete (typeahead) API endpoints are utilised to improve user experience by providing an efficient means of data entry. Addresses selected from the auto-complete results list should be followed up with a Validate Address call prior to storing the address in your systems. This is to ensure that the address captured is valid and data formats correct.

Unlike the ‘Complex’ APIs for capturing and validating addresses, the address (simple) method is suitable for capturing addresses in one field, such as 100 Arthur Street, North Sydney, NSW 2060.

4.2. Address

Returns matching addresses depending on the parameter values in the URL query string. The HTTP Method for all these APIs are ‘GET’ and the Authentication is done via Referer described in section Referer in this documentation.

4.2.1. API URL Endpoint and URL Format

http://services.inivio.com.au/autocomplete/address/address?query_string where the query string is composed of a series of field-value pairs field1=value1&field2=value2&field3=value3

4.2.2. Query String Fields and Values

Query String Fields Values Type Notes
address Address in full or part of it Mandatory Field  
addressformat amas or natural Optional field Returns the address in Australia Post AMAS format or in natural format. Default is AMAS
limit integer Optional field Default to 15
as xml or json Optional field Default is json


This method accepts a suburb full or partial match. (I.e. ‘North Sydney’ or ‘North Syd’)

4.2.3. Example 1 Request

Get the matching addresses for 6 macq:

http://services.inivio.com.au/autocomplete/address/address?address=6%20macq&addressformat=natural Response

{"Result":["6 Macqueen Avenue, Korumburra VIC 3950","6 Macquarie Avenue, Penrith NSW 2750","6 Macquarie Circle, Waterways VIC 3195","6 Macquarie Court, Nambour QLD 4560","600 Macquarie Drive, Eleebana NSW 2282","602 Macquarie Drive, Eleebana NSW 2282","604 Macquarie Drive, Eleebana NSW 2282","606 Macquarie Drive, Eleebana NSW 2282","608 Macquarie Drive, Eleebana NSW 2282","610 Macquarie Drive, Eleebana NSW 2282","612 Macquarie Drive, Eleebana NSW 2282","614 Macquarie Drive, Eleebana NSW 2282","616 Macquarie Drive, Eleebana NSW 2282","616A Macquarie Drive, Eleebana NSW 2282","618 Macquarie Drive, Eleebana NSW 2282"]}

4.2.4. Example 2 Request

Get the matching addresses for 14 co in xml and limit to 12 results:

http://services.inivio.com.au/autocomplete/address/address?address=14%20co%20vic&addressformat=amas&limit=12&as=xml Response

<GeoResultOfArrayOfstring xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/Common" xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
        <Result xmlns:a="http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/Arrays">
                <a:string>14 Coco Dr Glenmore Park NSW 2745</a:string>

4.2.5. Example 3 Request

Get the matching addresses for 14 co in xml and limit to 12 results:

http://services.inivio.com.au/autocomplete/address/address?address=14%20co&addressformat=amas&limit=12&as=xml Response

<GeoResultOfArrayOfstring xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/Common" xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
        <Result xmlns:a="http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/Arrays">
                <a:string>19 Collinsvale St Rocklea QLD 4106</a:string>
                <a:string>1 Cormack Pl Currumbin Waters QLD 4223</a:string>
                <a:string>10 Cormack Pl Currumbin Waters QLD 4223</a:string>
                <a:string>12 Cormack Pl Currumbin Waters QLD 4223</a:string>
                <a:string>14 Cormack Pl Currumbin Waters QLD 4223</a:string>
                <a:string>16 Cormack Pl Currumbin Waters QLD 4223</a:string>
                <a:string>18 Cormack Pl Currumbin Waters QLD 4223</a:string>
                <a:string>10 Corella St Rocklea QLD 4106</a:string>
                <a:string>11 Corella St Rocklea QLD 4106</a:string>
                <a:string>12 Corella St Rocklea QLD 4106</a:string>
                <a:string>14 Corella St Rocklea QLD 4106</a:string>
                <a:string>15 Corella St Rocklea QLD 4106</a:string>