12. Audience Enhancement: Variables

The table below provides a brief description of the variable codes from Equifax received in the response messages.

Common/Standard Variables
Code Variable Name Product Name
DPID DPID Australia Post DPID
PrimaryDPID PrimaryDPID Australia Post DPID

Note: Descriptions of Common/Standard variables can be found here Common/Standard

Geographical Boundaries
Code Variable Name Product Name
X_Coord Longitude Latitude / Longitude
Y_Coord Latitude Latitude / Longitude
MB_CODE_2011 Meshblock Geographic Boundaries
SA1_2011 Statistical Area Level1 Geographic Boundaries
SA2_11 Statistical Area Level2 Geographic Boundaries
SA3_11 Statistical Area Level3 Geographic Boundaries
SA4_11 Statistical Area Level4 Geographic Boundaries

Note: Descriptions of Geographical Boundaries variables can be found here Geographical Boundaries

Code Variable Name Product Name
GeoRiskMCT GeoRisk (HH Level) GeoRisk (HH Level)
GeoRiskBandMB GeoRisk (Meshblock Level) GeoRisk (Meshblock Level)
GeoRiskBandSA1 GeoRisk (SA1 Level) GeoRisk (SA1 Level)

Note: Descriptions of GeoRisk variables can be found here GeoRisk

Basic Demographics
Code Variable Name Product Name
MaritalStatus Marital Status Marital Status

Note: Descriptions of Basic Demographics variables can be found here Basic Demographics

Education / Qualification
Code Variable Name Product Name
Education Education Education
EducationPlus EducationPlus EducationPlus

Note: Descriptions of Education / Qualification variables can be found here Education / Qualification

Household Characteristics
Code Variable Name Product Name
HHDispIncome Household Disposable Income Household Disposable Income
DispIncome10 Disposable Income 10 Disposable Income
HHIncome Household Income Household Income
PropertyType Property Type Property Type
HHComp Household Composition Household Composition
HHGroup Household Composition Group Household Composition
LORBand Length of Residency Length of Residency
MetroRural Metro/Rural Flag Metro/Rural Flag
OTInd Owner/Tenant Indicator Owner/Tenant Indicator
HomeOwnerStatus Home Ownership Status Home Ownership Status
PVIndLGA PropertyValue Index LGA HH Level Property Value Index
PVIndState PropertyValue Index State HH Level Property Value Index
NumAdults Number of Adults Number of Adults
PresenceofChildren Presence of Children Presence of Children
ElderinHH Elder in Household Elder in Household
Affluence Affluence Affluence

Note: Descriptions of Household Characteristics variables can be found here Household Characteristics

Code Variable Name Product Name
LSGroupMB LandScape Group MB Level LandScape
LSGroup LandScape Group SA1 Level LandScape
LSSegmentMB LandScape Segment MB Level LandScape
LSSegment LandScape Segment SA1 Level LandScape

Note: Descriptions of Landscape variables can be found here Landscape

Neighbourhood Characteristics
Code Variable Name Product Name
CFSChildrenDecile Census Factor Score Children Decile Census Factor Score Children Decile
CFSDisengagedDecile Census Factor Score Disengaged Decile Census Factor Score Disengaged Decile
CFSEthnicityDecile Census Factor Score Ethnicity Decile Census Factor Score Ethnicity Decile
CFSFamilyDecile Census Factor Score Family Decile Census Factor Score Family Decile
CFSRetiredDecile Census Factor Score Retired Decile Census Factor Score Retired Decile
CFSStudentDecile Census Factor Score Student Decile Census Factor Score Student Decile
CFSWealthDecile Census Factor Score Wealth Decile Census Factor Score Wealth Decile
CFSWelfareDecile Census Factor Score Welfare Decile Census Factor Score Welfare Decile
DIDensityHH Density Indicator Density Indicator
RIRentrateDecile Neighbourhood Rental Rate Neighbourhood Rental Rate
EIUnemploymentrateDecile Unemployment Indicator Unemployment Indicator

Note: Descriptions of Neighbourhood Characteristics variables can be found here Neighbourhood Characteristics

Credit Card Demand (Prophesy)
Code Variable Name Product Name
CCDemand12MB Prophesy - Credit Card 12Months MB Prophesy - Credit Card
CCDemand12SA1 Prophesy - Credit Card 12Months SA1 Prophesy - Credit Card
CCDemand3MB Prophesy - Credit Card 3Months MB Prophesy - Credit Card
CCDemand3SA1 Prophesy - Credit Card 3Months SA1 Prophesy - Credit Card

Note: Variable Name descriptions of Credit Card Demand (Prophesy) variables can be found here Credit Card Demand (Prophesy)

Mortgage Demand (Prophesy)
Code Variable Name Product Name
RMDemand12MB Prophesy - Mortgage 12Months MB Prophesy - Mortgage
RMDemand12SA1 Prophesy - Mortgage 12Months SA1 Prophesy - Mortgage
RMDemand3MB Prophesy - Mortgage 3Months MB Prophesy - Mortgage
RMDemand3SA1 Prophesy - Mortgage 3Months SA1 Prophesy - Mortgage

Note: Descriptions of Mortgage Demand (Prophesy) variables can be found here Mortgage Demand (Prophesy)

Personal Loan Demand (Prophesy)
Code Variable Name Product Name
LCDemand12MB Prophesy - Personal Loan 12Months MB Prophesy - Personal Loan
LCDemand12SA1 Prophesy - Personal Loan 12Months SA1 Prophesy - Personal Loan
LCDemand3MB Prophesy - Personal Loan 3Months MB Prophesy - Personal Loan
LCDemand3SA1 Prophesy - Personal Loan 3Months SA1 Prophesy - Personal Loan

Note: Descriptions of Personal Loan Demand (Prophesy) variables can be found here Personal Loan Demand (Prophesy)

12.1. Common/Standard

12.1.1. DPID

The Delivery Point Identifier (DPID) is an Australia Post identifier for delivering mail and can enable discounted mailing rates when appended to a mailing list.

12.1.2. Primary DPID

The Primary Delivery Point Identifier is an complementary identifier used by Australia Post to identify a unique building for the purposes of delivering mail. It often relates to the building of a block of units, but not a unit within the block itself.

12.1.3. MALID

Master Address List Identifier (MALID) is an internal identifier from Equifax used to match Australian street addresses.

12.2. Geographical Boundaries

12.2.1. Longitude

Longitudinal (X) are co-ordinates for a street address as provided by the PSMA G-NAF (Geocoded National Address File).

12.2.2. Latitude

Latitudinal (Y) are co-ordinates for a street address as provided by the PSMA G-NAF (Geocoded National Address File).

12.2.3. Meshblock

Mesh Blocks are the smallest geographic region in the Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) and form the basis for the larger regions of the ASGS. There are approximately 347,000 Mesh Blocks covering the whole of Australia without gaps or overlaps. They broadly identify land use such as residential, commercial, agricultural and parks etc. The majority of populated Mesh Blocks contain between 30 and 60 dwellings.

12.2.4. Statistical Area Level 1

ABS Statistical areas are built from whole MeshBlocks and SA1s have been designed as the smallest unit for the release of Census data. This geographic area generally have a population of 200 to 800 persons, and an average population of about 400 persons.

12.2.5. Statistical Area Level 2

The SA2s are a general-purpose medium-sized area built from whole SA1s. Their aim is to represent a community that interacts together socially and economically. SA2s generally have a population range of 3,000 to 25,000 persons, and have an average population of about 10,000 persons. SA2s in remote and regional areas generally have smaller populations than those in urban areas.

12.2.6. Statistical Area Level 3

SA3s are built from whole SA2s. Whole SA3s aggregate directly to SA4s. SA3s do not cross state or territory borders. There are 333 SA3 spatial units. In general, the SA3s are designed to have populations between 30,000 and 130,000 persons. There are a number of SA3s with populations above 130,000 or below 30,000.

12.2.7. Statistical Area Level 4

The SA4 regions are the largest sub-State regions. There are 88 SA4 spatial units. In aggregate, they cover the whole of Australia without gaps or overlaps.

12.3. GeoRisk

GeoRisk provides an indication of the relative risk of individuals based on the neighbourhoods in which they live. Each neighbourhood is allocated into a band between 1 (high risk) and 10 (low risk) based on consumer financial behaviour. The score describes the relative financial worthiness of the neighbourhood based on proprietary financial behaviour of individuals residing in that area.

12.4. Basic Demographics

12.4.1. Marital Status

Marital Status provides an indication of whether the adults at an address are married.

12.5. Education / Qualification

12.5.1. Education

Education is the measure of the average level of education attained in an area.

12.5.2. Education Plus

Education Plus provides an indication of the combination of the level of education and the types of occupation.

12.6. Household Characteristics

12.6.1. Household Disposable Income

Household Disposable Income estimates a household’s potential discretionary spend capacity by calculating the remaining disposable income after taking expected everyday expenses into account. It is presented as a decile score ranging from  1 (low disposable income) to 10 (high disposable income).

12.6.2. Disposable Income

The Disposable Income indicator is a measure of the relative purchasing power for households in a given Census Statistical Area. It is presented as a decile score ranging from 1 (low disposable income) to 10 (high disposable income).

12.6.3. Dwelling Type

The Dwelling Type indicator describes the likely nature of the address premises (e.g. separate dwelling versus high-density housing).

12.6.4. Household Composition

Household Composition is a household level characteristic that classifies the number, gender and relationship of adults residing in a home.

12.6.5. Household Composition Group

Household Composition Group provides a description of the makeup of a household, leveraging information about the residents and their relationships to define the dynamics and size of the household.

12.6.6. Household Income

Household Income is a measure of the relative income level of households by placing them into 15 income bands. Income levels are an aggregate of income earned as wages, income from return on investments and financial assistance provided by the government.

12.6.7. Length of Residency

The Length of Residency (LoR) indicator provides an estimate of how long a household has been in residence at the same address. The people within a household are allocated an identifier which provides a range for the length of time that they have resided at the same address.

12.6.8. Metro/Rural Flag

The Metro/Rural Flag is an indicator of whether a property or neighbourhood is located in a metro area (city) or rural area (country), based on proximity of the location to major metropolitan areas.

12.6.9. Owner/Tenant indicator

The Owner/Tenant indicator is a household level metric indicating whether a specific property is owner occupied or contains rental tenants. This provides an effective means of identifying residency type at an individual address level rather than relying on general neighbourhood characteristics.

12.6.10. Home Ownership Status

Where Equifax has estimated that the current residents of a property are owners, the Home Ownership Status is an additional indicator that estimates whether the residents are likely to be mortgage-holders.

12.6.11. Property Value Index LGA

The Property Value Index provides a ‘relative price’ index for a property (household), comparing it’s valuation to other properties within a local government area (LGA), presented as a decile score ranging from 1 (low value) to 10 (high value).

12.6.12. Property Value Index State

The Property Value Index provides a ‘relative price’ index for a property (household), comparing it’s valuation to other properties within a state, presented as a decile score ranging from 1 (low value) to 10 (high value).

12.6.13. Number of Adults

Number of Adults provides an indication of the number of adults in residence at an address.

12.6.14. Presence of Children

Presence of Children provides an indication of how likely it is that there are children in residence at an address.

12.6.15. Elder in Household

Elder in Household provides an indication of whether there is an older resident residing at an address.

12.6.16. Affluence

Affluence draws upon a wide range of consumer characteristics to provide an effective measure of household’s capacity to spend or borrow. It is presented as a decile score ranging from 1 (low affluence) to 10 (high affluence).

12.7. Landscape

Landscape is a consumer segmentation tool that groups people based on the traits, preferences and behaviours they share with their neighbours. Using the core geodemographic principle that ‘birds of a feather flock together’, Landscape provides a rich, marketing oriented portrait of Australia’s diverse population. Designed for marketing use, Landscape comes with detailed segment profiles that clearly articulate the distinct media preferences, buyer behaviours, attitudes and demographics of each consumer group. This is a valuable tool to guide customer and prospect audience segmentation and help define the best message and media to reach a particular audience.

It is available at both a Meshblock (MB) and SA1 level.

See more at equifax.com.au/datadrivenmarketing/landscape

12.7.1. Landscape Group

Landscape Group is the broadest level of the Landscape geo-demographic segmentation of the Australian population. Landscape segments Australians based on their traits, preferences and behaviours. There are 13 overarching Landscape groups which provide insights into typical characteristics of the people within that group.

12.7.2. Landscape Segment

Landscape Segment applies the Landscape geo-demographic segmentation at a moderately granular level. Landscape segments the Australian population based on their traits, preferences and behaviours. There are 41 Landscape segments which make up the 13 Landscape groups and provide a more detailed insight into typical characteristics of the people within that segment.

12.8. Neighbourhood Characteristics

12.8.1. Census Factor Scores

Census factor scores are statistically derived factors that measure the extent to which an area displays a particular set of traits (the ‘factor’). They are ranked into deciles from 1 (high presence) to 10 (low presence).

12.8.2. Children Decile

The Children factor score measures the extent to which an area has high presence of children.

12.8.3. Disengaged Decile

The Disengaged factor score measures the extent to which an area has high presence of populations who are socially marginalised or disengaged.

12.8.4. Ethnicity Decile

The Ethnicity factor score measures the extent to which an area has high presence of multiculturalism.

12.8.5. Family Decile

The Family factor score measures the extent to which an area has high presence of family households.

12.8.6. Retired Decile

The Retired factor score measures the extent to which an area has high presence of senior citizens and retired households.

12.8.7. Student Decile

The Student factor score measures the extent to which an area has high presence of students, particularly households with tertiary students.

12.8.8. Wealth Decile

The Wealth factor score measures the extent to which an area has high presence of affluent or high socioeconomic households.

12.8.9. Welfare Decile

The Welfare factor score measures the extent to which an area has high presence of households that are welfare dependent.

12.8.10. Density Indicator

Density Indicator is an area level measure of the household density for each statistical area within Australia.

12.8.11. Neighbourhood Rental Rate

The Neighbourhood Rental Rate scores the likelihood of a property being owner occupied or a rental property based on dominant characteristics of properties within a defined geographic area. Neighbourhoods are ranked on a scale from 1 (high rental rate) to 10 (low rental rate), based on the incidence of owner occupied and rental households within a fixed geographic bound.

12.8.12. Unemployment Indicator

The unemployment indicator reflects the proportion of employed versus unemployed persons of working age, within a SA1. It is ranked into deciles from 1 (high unemployment) to 10 (low unemployment).

12.9. Demand for Finance (Prophesy)

The Demand for Finance indicators use historical financial demand data and other geo-demographic variables to forecast credit card, mortgage or personal loan demand. These are ranked into deciles from 1 (low demand) to 10 (high demand).

12.9.1. Credit Card Demand (Prophesy)

A forecast of demand for a credit card in the coming 3 or 12 months, available at either Meshblock (MB) or SA1 level.

12.9.2. Mortgage Demand (Prophesy)

A forecast of demand for a mortgage in the coming 3 or 12 months, available at either Meshblock (MB) or SA1 level.

12.9.3. Personal Loan Demand (Prophesy)

A forecast of demand for a personal loan in the coming 3 or 12 months, available at either Meshblock (MB) or SA1 level.

See also

Variable Mappings
A description of the potential outputs and range of each of the variables
Landscape Variables
A description of the landscape variables.